for Health Care Providers
Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment Awareness Campaign
VA has cured more than 100,000 Veterans of hepatitis C! We have made diagnosing, treating, and curing hepatitis C a priority, and saved the lives of tens of thousands of Veterans. Now is the time to treat and cure your hepatitis C. Learn how to get started below.
Campaign Description

Are you a Veteran interested in hepatitis C testing or treatment? Here's what you need to know. VA can only test and treat Veterans enrolled in VA care. If you haven't used VA for health care before, check out the benefits website to determine if you are eligible and find out how to enroll.
If you already use VA for your health care, talk to your provider about testing and treatment.

VA recommends testing for all Veterans age 18-79. Other reasons people should get tested for hepatitis C is if you have ever shared a needle to inject drugs, even if it was only once or a long time ago. For additional reasons to get tested, please take a look at our testing page.
The hepatitis C test is available for all Veterans enrolled in VA health care. The test itself is free, although your usual office visit copays may apply. Ask your VA provider for the test at your next visit.
Treatment and Cure

If you have hepatitis C and are interested in the latest treatments, please talk to your VA provider today. Current treatments are able to cure most patients in about 8-12 weeks. There are no injections, only daily oral medications. Your usual office visit and medication copays will apply.

Not sure if you are eligible for VA health care? Take a look at the VA Benefits website for eligibility information, learn how to apply for health benefits, get answers about copays, or call 1-877-222-VETS (8387) for more information.
Service Connection
Some Veterans are concerned that being cured of hepatitis C will affect their service connection or benefits. Please contact VA Benefits for more information.
Locations and Contact Information
You can find your closest VA facility using this map. If you have hepatitis C and are interested in treatment, talk to your primary care provider at your local VA.