Educational Resources
Products are sorted alphabetically within each category.
Patient Handouts (Brochures, Booklets, Fact Sheets, Wallet Cards)
ABCs of Hepatitis (2018)

This 1-page handout is a guide to the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis A, B, and C.
- PDF(43K)
Not available in print.
Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease: A Guide for Patients (2020)

Printable guide on Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease.
- PDFAlcohol-Associated Liver Disease: A Guide for Patients (615K)
Ascites Fact Sheet (2018)

A 2-page overview for patients of the signs, symptoms, management, and treatment of ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
- PDF(658KB)
Cirrhosis Fact Sheet (2019)

This 2-page overview for patients explains the symptoms of cirrhosis and includes a checklist on what to do to protect your liver.
- PDF(1MB)
Cirrhosis: A Patient's Guide (2022)

An 11-page handbook that explains basic facts about the liver and the liver disease cirrhosis, answers questions about common complications of cirrhosis, gives important information about the most serious emergencies in cirrhosis, and offers tips for keeping the liver healthy.
- English languagePDF(467KB)
Direct-Acting Antivirals: Side Effects Management Handouts (2022)

Patient handouts featuring tips for coping with common side effects of hepatitis C treatment.
- PDF Vosevi ® (Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir/Voxilaprevir) (348K)
- PDF Acid-Reducing Medications: Interactions with Harvoni ® and Epclusa ® (477K)
- PDF Mavyret ® (734K)
- PDF Epclusa ® (108K)
- PDF Epclusa ® + Ribavirin (113K)
- PDF Zepatier ® (171K)
- PDF Zepatier ® + Ribavirin (173K)
- PDF Harvoni ® (Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir) (348K)
Direct-Acting Antivirals: Taking Your Hepatitis C Therapy (2018)

One-page printable handouts for providers to give to patients who are taking hepatitis C drugs, with tips on how and when to take the medications and what to do if a dose is missed.
Drinking Diary and Change Plan (revised September 2015)

Wallet card for patients to record their alcohol use over a 4-week period as a way to monitor and reduce their drinking behavior.
- PDF(90K)
FAQs about Sustained Virologic Response to Treatment for Hepatitis C (July 2020)

Questions and answers for patients who have successfully completed treatment for hepatitis C.
- PDF(312K)
Hepatic Encephalopathy Fact Sheet (2018)

A 2-page overview for patients, describing the triggers, diagnosis, symptoms, and management of hepatic encephalopathy.
- PDF(757KB)
Hepatitis A Fact Sheet (2019)

Printable fact sheet on hepatitis A.
- PDFHepatitis A Facts for Veterans (412K)
Hepatitis B Fact Sheet (2022)

Printable fact sheet on hepatitis B.
- PDFHepatitis B Facts for Veterans (557K)
Hepatitis C and Alcohol Use (March 2017)

This patient handout highlights the dangers of heavy alcohol use for individuals with hepatitis C, illustrating the risks for developing cirrhosis.
- PDF(405KB)
Hepatitis C Medications: A Review and Update for Patients (2020)

An overview of hepatitis C treatment, including information on the most recently approved drugs.
Hepatitis C Prevention (2019)

A 2-page printable handout that answers frequently asked questions about hepatitis C prevention.
- PDF(292KB)
HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection (2020)

A 2-page printable handout that answers frequently asked questions about living with both HIV and hepatitis C at the same time.
- PDF(345KB)
Infectious Disease Screening and Vaccination (2019)

A 2-page overview for patients with key things to know about screening and vaccination for infectious diseases including hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
- PDF(6K)
Not available in print.
Keeping Your Liver Healthy (2021)

Fact sheet with information about keeping your liver healthy.
- PDFKeeping Your Liver Healthy (181K)
Liver Cancer Information for Patients

A 1-page fact sheet and 70-page guide to help patients understand the basic facts about liver cancer and care options. For printing the booklet, set print settings to fit to page.
National Liver Transplant Guide (2019)

Patient transplant guide designed to be a reference and to help answer questions about the evaluation, transplantation, and post-transplant period.
Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (2025)

Printable handouts that answer frequently asked questions about Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (formerly non-alcoholic fatty liver).
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patient Guide (2019)

A comprehensive patient guide for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- PDF(484KB)
Taking Your Hepatitis B Therapy (2018)

Printable fact sheets on taking medications for treating hepatitis B virus.
What to Expect Before Your Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus (2020)

This 2-page printable handout provides patients with an overview of what to expect before, during and after treatment for hepatitis C. Optional treatment tracking chart included.
- PDF(557KB)
Patient Education (Videos)
Alcohol and Liver Disease (2020)

This 4-minute video provides information about alcohol and liver disease.
Hepatitis C Success Stories
Veterans share their stories of getting tested and treated for hepatitis C, and cured.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2020)

This 1-minute video features a Veteran talking about NAFLD.
Provider Resources (Posters, Pocketcards, Fact Sheets)
After the Initial Diagnosis of HBsAg+: Overview of Next Steps (2019)

A 2-page printable guide for health care providers listing steps to take after diagnosing a patient with hepatitis B.
- PDF(272K)
After the Initial Diagnosis of HCV: Overview of Next Steps (2022)

A 1-page printable guide for health care providers listing steps to take after diagnosing a patient with hepatitis C.
- PDF(272K)
Audit-C (1990)

A 3-item version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption.
Audit-C Scoring Cards (2025)

The Audit-C is given to thousands of VA patients. These cards show how your drinking compares to other Veterans.
- Scoring card for menPDF(267K)
- Scoring card for womenPDF(327K)
Hepatitis C Fact Sheet (2023)

Two-page printable fact sheet
- PDFHepatitis C Information for Providers (325KB)

The purpose of this card is to help providers discuss alcohol use with Veterans with hepatitis C. The double-sided card contains tips and reminders: the OARS side discusses motivational interviewing; the FLO side discusses brief interventions.
- PDF(146K)
Provider Education (Toolkits, Videos, Classes)
Evaluating Liver Test Abnormalities: Understanding the Pathophysiology of Liver Disease

A web-based course, tailored to mid-level providers, designed to provide a practical approach to the evaluation of abnormal liver chemistries in the context of a broad understanding of the pathophysiology of liver injury.
Initiating and Maintaining Support Groups in Liver Clinics (2018)

A primer for conceptualizing the structure and purpose of a support group. Provides rationale, development process, sample documents, and resources.
Motivational Interviewing for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2020)

This 8-minute video provides an example for discussing weight loss with patients who have NAFLD. Companion pocket guide also available.
Guidelines and Recommendations
Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection: Treatment Considerations (2021)

This revision (March 18, 2021) incorporates updates to treatment regimens for chronic hepatitis C virus infection.
- PDF(1MB)
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Screening Flow Chart (2016)

Algorithm for hepatitis C virus antibody screening.